Saturday, January 30, 2016

Samsung tests 5G technology, plans to present in 2017

Samsung has made an important step in the transmission of data between mobile devices. As reported by Yonhap News, the company has recently tested a version for the 5G wireless technology.
Through this technology, achieved a discharge speed of 1Gbps in a band of 28 Gigahertz. We developed tests, Samsung has achieved speeds of 1Gbps, which means that a movie can be downloaded in less than a second. To compared with 4G technology, for the latter speed reaches 75Mbps.
Technology is still in the early stages. For the tests in question, it took 64 antennas to be realized. According to Samsung, this technology will be ready in 2020. However, there will be a communication standard that will take place only by the South Korean company. Project are also united Chinese government and the European Union, which have invested considerable funds.
The purpose of 5G technology is to increase the speed of access to the Internet with a view to simultaneously increase its penetration in the mobile devices. Such a speed looks awesome right now, especially if we think that this is the mobile sector.
Approved plan of frequencies 4G technology paves the way. Such speed of data transmission available at the moment in certain areas of the US that only home.

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